Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Scotland: Highland Games

Listen to the sounds of the bagpipes HERE

Greetings from the Land of the Scots

The Highland Games

Within the breath-taking scenery of the steep mountains, rolling hills and historic castles lies the home of the Highland Games. This ancient tradition combines athletic ability with Scottish culture and is a must-go-to event when visiting this country. 

The Highland Games originate from thousands of years ago as a way for the King to determine the most fit member of his kingdom to deliver his messages. The Modern Day games date back to 1820 (The Official Gateway to Scotland).

What are the Highland Games
The Highland Games is a Scottish festival based around a series of competitive events. The events are divided into two groups, the heavier events and the lighter events. 

                    Heavier Events                                                          Lighter Events
                  Tossing the Caber**                                                       Running
                  Hammer Throwing                                                         Cycling
                  Tug O War                                                                    Solo Piping
                  The Shot                                                                      Highland Dancing

Tossing the Caber
Tossing the caber is the premiere event and the staple of the Highland Games. It is a full- size log that the participants must lift upright and toss end over end. The event is judged by how closely the log lands to the 12 o'clock angle (The Official Gateway to Scotland).

Traditions of the Highland Games
Over 500 clans (or families) are registered to participate in the event. Participants must wear kilts, which are commonly adorned in the families color and seal. Each clan will have a representative in each of the events as they compete in each category to gain the most points (The Standing Council). 

The season for the Highland Games is from the end of May to mid-September and they exist throughout the country. Each event will be similar and feature the common games, but no two games are alike, and they will have different aspects relevant to their community. 

The Braemar Games

Here is an interactive map that allows you to click on each set of games featured for the upcoming season based on geographical location.

The Scottish Highland Games Association is the official governing body of the sport. Since their inception in 1947, the SHGA is responsible for organizing over 500 athletes in well over 1,000 competitions per year. They develop an effective website viewed by tens of thousands of people, they print a new edition of the Highland Games Almanac after each season and handle inquiries about the Highland Games from people around the world (Scotland Highland Games Association). 

The SHGA is sponsored by the following organizations:
A Game for Men
 I must admit at first I was not drawn to this event. It seemed more like a fair or a festival than a respected sporting event....Not to mention, how could a bunch of men playing games in skirts be defined in American standards as a tough and gritty sport that showcased masculinity and athleticism?

But after watching Dhani tackle this event, I saw how 240 pounds of muscle was barely enough to get the job done.Click on the link below to see his struggles with the events... and how he looks in a kilt.

The Highland Games- internationally
After watching that clip, I was ready to hop on the next plane to Scotland. But like most people, I do not have a few thousand dollars lying around to afford a vacation to Scotland. I was ecstatic to find out that you don't have to travel oversees to experience this. The Highland Games have gained popularity around the world and have branded themselves in global markets by setting up replica events in different countries. The SHGA recently announced that the newest set of Highland Games would take place in Japan this upcoming season (AncestralScotland.com)

Organizers meet in Tokyo

The Highland Games are also offered to us right here in America! 

The Association of Scottish Games and Festivals is the governing body that oversees the operations in the United States. While they are responsible for hosting hundreds of events across the nation, the biggest crowd flocks to North Carolina for the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games (ancestralscotland.com). 

The link above is from the ASGF website and it allows for you to look up Highland Games by state. The Scottish way has made the journey all the way to the Lone Star State with festivals taking place in Midland, San Antonio, Houston and Arlington. So come be a part of Scottish history! 
Ancestralscotland.com (2011). Clan Gatherings and Highland Games. Retrieved October 18, 2011 from http://www.ancestralscotland.com/clans/clan-gatherings-highland-games/

Scotland Highland Games Association (http://www.shga.co.uk/index.php).

The Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs (http://www.clanchiefs.org/).

The Official Gateway to Scotland (2011). Highland Game Traditions. Retrieved October 18, 2011 from http://www.scotland.org/culture/sport/highland-games/traditions/

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